Spring Activities for kids

Fun And Crafty Spring Activities For Kids

Many children experience feelings of excitement when the spring equinox ushers in a new season because it ushers in things like new flowers, vibrant colours, and warm sunshine. Through participating in some enjoyable pursuits, you can honour the transformation of the weather and cultivate an appreciation for the time of year when everything comes to life. Most of these spring activities for kids are simple to put together, and you may already have some of the necessary components.

The following are some fun and exciting spring activities for kids to participate in.

Make Your Own Bubbles

Children of all ages typically enjoy the activity of blowing bubbles. Making them yourself with a few supplies that you probably already have in your home is an even better option than simply blowing them. Just some water, some dish soap, and some glycerine are all you need to make your own bubbles. After you have made a batch, you can enjoy some bubble-based games in the backyard. For instance, you could try the bubble pop freeze dance, in which one person blows bubbles, and players try to pop as many of them as they can before the music stops and they are required to freeze. Everyone who does not enter a frozen state is eliminated one by one until only one player is left. You could also play a game called bubble tag, in which the player who is “it” is responsible for tagging another player by blowing a bubble that hits them.

Make Spring Potion

With all of the new growth and the return of the warm sun, springtime feels like a magical time. Make a batch of β€œspring potions” together with the kids as a way to celebrate its arrival. They can go into the backyard and gather various natural ingredients (such as berries, flower petals, and pieces of leaves) and then combine those ingredients with a water-based solution (dyed with natural colouring if you wish). Then, have them pour it into the grass or garden to assist in the growth and development of the surrounding environment. This is by far one of our best spring activities for kids!

Throw a Flower-Themed Party

Do you need an idea for a party to celebrate the spring equinox with your children? This party theme honours all things floral, from the decorations to the cake to the crafts and games; even the games are themed around flowers! In addition to using cut flowers as center pieces for the celebration, teach your children how to make paper flowers to decorate with. Not only does this activity enhance your child’s creativity, but also help improve their motor skills.

Best Spring Themed Activities for Children
Best Spring Themed Activities for Children

Make a Birdhouse

When spring arrives, birds begin their annual migrations back to their breeding grounds and begin searching for suitable nesting sites. Consequently, constructing a birdhouse alongside your children is an excellent springtime activity. Building a birdhouse can be done in a variety of inventive ways, each of which can be tailored to the person doing the crafting. You can make things much simpler for yourself by purchasing a birdhouse kit at any number of craft stores. These kits come with clear instructions and all the necessary building materials.


Grow a Vegetable

Spring activities for kids can be educational. Bring the kids to a garden center and let them pick out a vegetable that they can plant, grow, and eventually consume on their own. Show them how to properly look after the plant, and assign it to them as their project for the spring. Once they are able to harvest their vegetables, you should look up some enjoyable recipes in which the product plays the primary role in the preparation. Prepare a meal that your children can assist you with preparing.

Have a Spring Scavenger Hunt

What distinguishes springtime from the other times of the year in terms of the sights it offers? It could be flowers that only bloom in the spring or pinecones that have been exposed as a result of snow melting. Get the kids involved in compiling a list of the things that can be found in nature during the springtime. The next step is to conduct a hunt outside in order to gather a representation of each item. Do you want to make it into a game of skill? Create two separate lists, divide them into teams, and start a race to see who can quickly find everything in the room.

Are you enjoying our list of spring activities for kids so far? We also have another fun activity list for playdates! Check it out here!

Take Spring Photos

The beginning of spring is a beautiful time to grab your camera and head outside to take some pictures. The kids should be given the task of locating the most beautiful spring setting for the family photoshoot. The next step is to print your photographs and have your children use them to create scrapbook pages or framed photographs for Mother’s Day gifts.

Throw a Rain-Themed Party

Even though it’s known for its sunshine and beautiful flowers, spring also has a reputation for having a significant number of days with precipitation. You shouldn’t let the wetness of the season bring you down. Instead, you should throw a rain theme party to acknowledge the wet weather’s arrival. As an example, you could serve drinks with miniature paper umbrellas inserted into them. Also, provide food in the form of rainbows, such as a fruit platter with a variety of colours or cupcakes frosted in rainbow colours.

Glass Gem Suncatchers – Preschool Inspirations

When it comes to springtime crafts for pre-schoolers, you simply cannot pass up the opportunity to make these stunning suncatchers. They are beautiful to look at and make wonderful classroom decorations and gifts for loved ones. Your children could form their initial out of the glass beads to add a unique touch and make a connection to literacy. This would be a fun activity!

Hot Air Balloon Process Art – Preschool Inspirations

When your preschoolers engage in process art, don’t you just find it fascinating to observe how their creativity develops? It never ceases to amaze me what these incredibly creative minds of children can think of. Your children are going to have a blast playing with hot air balloons while participating in this process art activity!

Torn Paper Flowers – Preschool Inspirations

We are huge fans of tear art. That’s right, and it’s process art with a slant toward the tear-ific. Children enjoy ripping paper, which is an excellent activity for the development of their fine motor skills. Tear art is adaptable to almost any topic of study; make sure to incorporate this floral take on the craft into your preschool’s springtime activities.

Rain Cloud Suncatcher Craft – Preschool Inspirations

Through the use of this lovely suncatcher craft, you will be able to brighten up even the cloudiest of days. As a result of their transparency, milk cartons are ideal for use as sun catchers. This will be one of the preschool crafts you do for the spring season, and your future climatologists will absolutely adore it!

Cupcake Liner Flower Craft – Preschool Inspirations

Not only are cupcake liners useful for baking, but they also make wonderful additions to the craft supplies you keep at home and in the classroom. Just a few simple and enjoyable steps are all your little artists need to take in order to bring these flowers to full bloom.

Butterfly Printing – The Craft Train

It is simply not possible to have spring activities for preschoolers without incorporating butterflies into the classrooms at some point. You can cut out butterfly shapes in sponges or stamps and let the children create beautiful stamp trains.

Will you be trying any of our spring activities for kids? Let us know in the comments below!


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